Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)
The Lakefield Township Zoning Board of Appeals consists of four members: two regular members, one Township Board representative, and one alternate member. Each appointed member serves a three-year term. The ZBA makes important decisions regarding zoning matters and ordinance interpretations.
Purpose and Authority
The ZBA has the legal authority to:
- Hear appeals of zoning administrator decisions
- Grant variances from zoning ordinance requirements
- Interpret zoning ordinance provisions
- Consider dimensional and use variances
- Make decisions on specific land use matters
Board Structure
- Two regular members
- One Township Board representative
- One alternate member
- Members appointed by the Township Board
- Three-year terms for appointed members
Types of Appeals
The ZBA considers several types of appeals:
- Dimensional variances
- Use variances
- Administrative appeals
- Ordinance interpretations
- Non-conforming use determinations
Variance Criteria
When considering variance requests, the ZBA must determine:
- If practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships exist
- Whether the variance would alter the essential character of the area
- If the situation is unique to the property
- Whether the problem is self-created
- If there are alternatives available
Meeting Information
The ZBA meets as needed to hear appeals. Meetings are:
- Open to the public
- Posted at the Township Hall and website
- Held when applications are received
- Conducted according to state law and local ordinances
Application Process
To file an appeal or variance request:
- Submit a completed application
- Include all required documentation
- Pay applicable fees
- Provide clear justification for the request
Public Hearings
All ZBA cases require a public hearing where:
- Adjacent property owners are notified
- The public can provide input
- The applicant presents their case
- The board makes its determination