Jonesfield/Lakefield Fire Board
The Jonesfield/Lakefield Fire Department is a joint operation serving both Jonesfield and Lakefield Townships. This partnership ensures efficient and effective fire protection services for residents of both communities through two strategically located fire stations.
Emergency Services
- The Volunteer Fire Department is on call 24 hours a day
- Responds to all medical calls to assist Mobile Medical Response (MMR)
- For ALL emergencies, call 911
Fire Station Locations
The department operates from two stations:
- Main Station - 204 W Mahoney St, Merrill, MI 48637 (Jonesfield Township)
- Substation - 4985 S Merrill Rd (Lakefield Township) This dual-station setup enables quick response times throughout both townships.
Fire Board Structure
The Fire Board consists of five appointed members:
- Two representatives from Lakefield Township
- Three representatives from Jonesfield Township
Governance and Funding
- The Fire Board manages day-to-day operations and oversight of the fire department
- Both Township Boards meet annually to review and approve the fire department budget
- Fire protection services are funded through a dedicated fire millage paid by residents of both townships
Board Responsibilities
The Fire Board's duties include:
- Overseeing fire department operations
- Managing equipment and facilities at both stations
- Monitoring budget expenditures
- Ensuring adequate fire protection coverage
- Planning for future department needs
- Maintaining emergency response readiness
Annual Joint Meeting
Once per year, the Jonesfield and Lakefield Township Boards convene to:
- Review the fire department's annual budget
- Discuss department needs and improvements
- Plan for future equipment and training requirements
- Ensure adequate funding through millage rates
Millage Funding
Fire protection services are funded through:
- A dedicated fire millage
- Contributions from both townships
- Resident tax support from both communities
Emergency Contact
For ALL emergencies, dial 911