Election Commission
The Lakefield Township Election Commission ensures fair, accurate, and secure elections within our township. As established by Michigan Election Law, the Commission operates under the chairmanship of the Township Clerk.
Key Responsibilities
Precinct Management
- Establishing and modifying voting precincts
- Designating polling place locations
- Ensuring polling places meet accessibility requirements
- Reviewing precinct boundaries to maintain compliance with state law
Election Equipment and Materials
- Selecting and approving voting equipment
- Overseeing the testing of all voting equipment
- Conducting public accuracy tests before each election
- Approving ballot containers
- Reviewing and approving ballot format and content
Election Workers
- Appointing election inspectors for each precinct
- Ensuring balanced representation of political parties among election workers
- Determining the number of election inspectors needed for each precinct
- Approving election inspector appointments at least 21 days before each election
Quality Assurance
- Overseeing preliminary testing of electronic voting systems
- Verifying proper preparation of voting equipment
- Ensuring compliance with state and federal election laws
- Monitoring the security of election equipment and materials
Meetings and Public Testing
The Election Commission meets as needed before elections to fulfill its statutory duties. All meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Michigan Open Meetings Act.
Before each election, the Commission conducts public accuracy testing of voting equipment. These tests are open to the public, candidates, and media to ensure transparency in our election process. Notices of public accuracy testing are published in advance as required by law.